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Threshold Care creates WiFi Motion Sensing Plugs for safety and privacy

Techstination feature for Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.      Protecting privacy….while monitoring an older loved one.   That’s what a company called Threshold Care is using technology to do. Co-founder and CEO Jacob Loader says what the company has developed are a set of wall plugs that make use of WiFi to sense when there is movement…and learn over time…

“Beginning to understand what those patterns are so that we have a better sense of…hey, this is normal, there is motion at an expected time.   Or more importantly, hey, there is motion when should be no motion.  Or if there is no motion registered and there typically is.  Say it’s 9am and there’s been no motion registered at all when usually there is by 8:30.”

The devices are priced for pre-order at fifty dollars for three…with no subscription needed.  Learn more at

You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: General Technology News | Consumer Electronics