"We've got a 23 inch LCD, extremely high quality, so that reading documents off the screen is going to be very common. We've got it so it can integrate with your phone. For example if you've got a portable phone that somebody calls you, we detect that, see the caller ID and bring up information about that person and any email you may have exchanged with them, make it easy to share your screen out with them wherever they are. And then we've improved the ergonomics a lot. How you turn the machine on and off, what it looks like, no fan noise from the machine."
Some of the technology will start to arrive next year. Gates hopes it can drive demand at a time when a lot of companies are holding onto old computers for longer periods of time. As for when the next version of Windows will arrive, code named Longhorn, Gates tells us he isn't making any promises...
"No prediction on when we'll have Longhorn simply because the top priority is driving it as a breakthrough rather than a particular date."
Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.