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C-Finity from NeuroSync Labs aims for nausea free VR

Techstination feature for Friday, April 26, 2024

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.     Conquering the problem of VR nausea.   Many people playing with virtual reality headsets experience nausea…and  that is where NeuroSync Labs sees an opportunity.   The company’s C-Infinity action game controller for VR is designed to get that under control.   Co-founder Dr. Soloban Paesseler    …

“The idea is really to not only make VR more enjoyable but really to have the ability to have VR for all.  Or all inclusive VR that even people that cannot potentially physically move through the space would be able to sense and use locomotion to enjoy VR.”

NeuroSync Labs has published a peer reviewed scientific research paper that validates the claims.   More info?  Head to for more and the company’s Indiegogo campaign.

You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.