General Technology News
Tombot creating robotic pets to assist with Alzheimer's
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. Tombot is a company that is building more tech infused robotic pets designed to assist people with Alzheimer’s and more. Co-founder and CEO Tom Stevens tells us that the pets have a variety of sensors for touch, voice and...
Tombot, robotic pet, Alzheimer's robotic pet, robot, Tom Stevens, Tombot, Techstination, Fred Fishkin, gadgets, tech, gear
Human in Motion exoskeleton challenges: CEO Siamak Arzanpour
Thursday, February 06, 2025
Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. Changing lives is what British Columbia based Human in Motion is all about. The company has built its first XO Motion exoskeletons, for rehab use at first, to help people who have been confined to wheel chairs, live upright...
Human in Motion, XO Motion, exoskeleton, Siamak Arzanpour, Chloe Angus, Techstination, Fred Fishkin, gadgets, tech, gear
Human in Motion Director of Lived Experience Chloe Angus
Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. What if a person confined to a wheel chair could summon an exoskeleton robot, be able to slide into it and then stand, walk, climb stairs and more. That person is Chloe Angus, Director of Lived Experience at Human in Motion...
Human in Motion, XO Motion, exoskeleton, Siamak Arzanpour, Chloe Angus, Techstination, Fred Fishkin, gadgets, tech, gear
Ford Ranger adds more innovation, wins North American Truck of the Year (Friday, January 24, 2025)
innovation, wins, tech, Ranger, American, more, Truck, Fred, Techstination, the, Ford Ranger adds more innovation, wins North American Truck of the Year, Year, General Technology News, Technology, of, News, General, Ford, North, Fishkin, gadgets, adds, gear
Researchers using AI to detect diabetes through voice (Tuesday, January 21, 2025)
through, voice, Dr., detect, Institute, General Technology News, Technology, Luxembourg, of, News, Fagherazzi, digital, using, detection, Health, AI, health, Guy, Fred, Researchers using AI to detect diabetes through voice, Techstination, Researchers, General, to, diabetes, Fishkin
Integral AI will allow game creation and more (Wednesday, January 08, 2025)
allow, game, will, more, Integral AI will allow game creation and more, AI, STREAM, Fred, Techstination, Jad, Tariffi, General Technology News, Technology, and, News, Integral, General, creativity, creation, Fishkin
eSight Go glasses offer life changing vision help (Monday, January 06, 2025)
eSight, Go, Electronics, Techstination, changing, assistance, life, eSight Go glasses offer life changing vision help, glasses, offer, Consumer Electronics, vision, help, Mattern, Roland, Consumer, General Technology News, low, Technology, by, News, General, Gentex
Supercharge Your Life With AI (Friday, January 03, 2025)
tech, AI, Fred, Techstination, With, Supercharge, General Technology News, Technology, Supercharge Your Life With AI, News, Life, Rikard, Your, General, Steiber, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Eating healthier over the holidays-Abbott Lingo's Pam Nisevich Bede (Wednesday, December 25, 2024)
Lingo's, healthier, Nisevich, holidays-Abbott, General Technology News, Technology, News, over, Eating, glucose, CGM, monitor, Fred, Techstination, eating, the, Abbott, healthy, Lingo, General, Bede, Online, Pam, Eating healthier over the holidays-Abbott Lingo's Pam Nisevich Bede, Fishkin
NASA scientists anticipate learning from nova (Monday, November 11, 2024)
NASA, Boyd, Nova, learning, Fred, Techstination, astronomy, NASA scientists anticipate learning from nova, Coronae, Padi, Borealis, T, General Technology News, scientists, Technology, anticipate, News, General, from, Fishkin, nova
With push to remove lead pipes, Brita offers community solutions now (Friday, November 08, 2024)
remove, With, poisoning, General Technology News, Technology, now, News, With push to remove lead pipes, Brita offers community solutions now, pipes, offers, tech, in, solutions, Fred, Techstination, community, water, push, lead, filter, Brita, filtration, General, to, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Tech entrepreneur Jock Gill walks the walk on climate (Monday, November 04, 2024)
Climate, Superhighway, Information, Tech, General Technology News, Technology, News, Tech entrepreneur Jock Gill walks the walk on climate, on, activist, tech, Administration, Gill, AI, Fred, climate, Clinton, entrepreneur, Jock, walks, the, General, walk, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Ford offering extra push for EV buyers (Thursday, October 31, 2024)
tech, Ford offering extra push for EV buyers, buyers, for, Electronics, Fred, Techstination, push, home, Consumer Electronics, EV, charger, Consumer, General Technology News, Technology, offering, extra, News, General, Ford, free, gadgets, Fishkin, gear
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SOBRsafe wearable alcohol detection for workplace safety & more (Wednesday, February 05, 2025)
alcohol, tech, wearable, detection, &, more, for, Gandini, SOBRsafe wearable alcohol detection for workplace safety & more, Fred, alchol, Techstination, General Technology News, Technology, safety, News, David, General, workplace, Fishkin, gadgets, SOBRsafe, gear
Is the transition to EVs "Inevitable? WSJ reporter & author Mike Colias (Monday, February 03, 2025)
book, Electronics, vehicles, Is, "Inevitable?, Is the transition to EVs "Inevitable"? WSJ reporter & author Mike Colias, Consumer, General Technology News, Technology, Is the transition to EVs "Inevitable? WSJ reporter & author Mike Colias, News, Colias, "Inevitable"?, tech, EVs, &, author, electric, reporter, Fred, Techstination, transition, WSJ, the, Consumer Electronics, Mike, Inevitable, Tesla, General, to, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Meet Jennie- upcoming robotic pet for those with Alzheimer's & more (Wednesday, January 29, 2025)
Meet, Meet Jennie- upcoming robotic pet for those with Alzheimer's & more, for, Electronics, robotic, robot, Consumer, General Technology News, Technology, News, pet, those, Alzheimer's, tech, Stevens, &, more, Fred, Techstination, Consumer Electronics, with, Tombot, Tom, General, Jennie-, upcoming, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Human in Motion XO Motion exoskeleton poised to change lives (Tuesday, January 28, 2025)
Human, tech, Motion, poised, lives, in, Human in Motion XO Motion exoskeleton poised to change lives, change, Fred, Techstination, General Technology News, Arzanpour, Technology, XO, News, exoskeleton, General, to, Siamak, Chloe, Fishkin, gadgets, Angus, gear
Ford Ranger adds more tech-captures North American Truck of the Year (Tuesday, January 14, 2025)
tech, Ranger, American, more, tech-captures, Truck, Fred, Techstination, the, Year, General Technology News, Technology, of, News, Ford Ranger adds more tech-captures North American Truck of the Year, General, Ford, North, Fishkin, gadgets, adds, gear
What can Notebook LM do- an AI generated podcast summary of Techstination (Friday, January 10, 2025)
summary, LM, Google, do-, Notebook, AI, Techstination, What, an, can, General Technology News, generated, Technology, What can Notebook LM do- an AI generated podcast summary of Techstination, podcast, of, News, General, Online
Detecting diabetes through your voice? Lead researcher Dr. Guy Fagherazzi (Wednesday, January 08, 2025)
through, voice, Dr., your, Institute, General Technology News, Technology, Luxembourg, of, News, Lead, Detecting diabetes through your voice? Lead researcher Dr. Guy Fagherazzi, Fagherazzi, digital, detection, researcher, voice?, Health, Detecting, health, Guy, Fred, Techstination, General, Online, diabetes, Fishkin
Turning AI into a magic wand: Integral AI (Thursday, December 19, 2024)
magic, wand:, a, game, AI, STREAM, Turning, Fred, Techstination, Jad, Tariffi, into, General Technology News, Technology, News, Turning AI into a magic wand: Integral AI, Integral, General, creativity, creation, Fishkin
Supercharge Your Life With AI author Rikard Steiber (Wednesday, December 18, 2024)
tech, author, Supercharge Your Life With AI author Rikard Steiber, AI, Fred, Techstination, Devices, tools, Mobile, With, Supercharge, General Technology News, Technology, News, Life, Rikard, Your, General, Mobile Devices, Online, Steiber, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
eSight glasses improving lives of those with low vision (Tuesday, December 17, 2024)
eSight, lives, Electronics, Techstination, assistance, eSight glasses improving lives of those with low vision, glasses, Consumer Electronics, with, vision, improving, Mattern, Roland, Consumer, General Technology News, low, Technology, of, by, News, General, Gentex, those
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- Your next laptop should be a Chromebook–here’s why (PCWorld, 02/11/2025 06:30AM EST)
- The Sky Glass Gen 2 offers a brighter display and better sound (Engadget, 02/11/2025 06:30AM EST)
- Apple research video offers a glimpse into its tabletop robot tech (MacWorld, 02/11/2025 06:15AM EST)
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