"The new SDH 400 digital media server gives the consumer the opportunity to purchase a high end DVD player, which is what's included in the package and also Tivo basic service, which introduces the consumer to Tivo service and basic DVR technology." So it has the Tivo built into it too and there's no monthly fee attached to it at least out of the box. "In its first iteration out of the box the basic service does not have any monthly fee, does not require any credit cards and no lifetime subscription. But the consumer has the capability if they choose to upgrade to the full Tivo service at Tivo's standard subscription fees."
The box includes a hard drive that can record up to 80 hours of programming... and a three day program guide. The list price is about 550 dollars. Combining the Tivo with a DVD player saves space and the number of cables plugging into the TV. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.