"The essential changes to the program don't take anything away from the functionality. What we've done is we've simplified the interface. We've made it a little bit more user friendly. And in addition to that, we've taken all of the original steps that we had to create photo albums and to apply templates and design libraries to it. We've done that in a visual way."
Albums can be personalized by using different templates and adding the music of your choice and text...
What's unique is when we burn the CD, or when we prepare the file, the file attaches a run time version of our software, what we call the Flip Viewer product, so it becomes a plug and play CD."
The software is simple to use... but packages from Adobe and Microsoft do a better job helping you to edit and organize photos. E Book Systems has used the technology in its consumer software, which sells for as little as 20 dollars... to create a three hundred dollar FlipPublisher package that can be used by small or large businesses to create 3D page flipping catalogs, brochures or manuals that can be distributed on CD ROM or over the Web. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.