"Our traffic numbers were always higher than the White House in Washington's Web site."
But now Parisi says he is selling the domain…because of his four and a half year old son…
"We've been doing it now for seven years and like I said we have options. And my son is getting a little older now and obviously he's going to be of the age of understanding in the next year or so. So I'd prefer to be in a different business when he starts understanding and so forth."
Parisi says there has already been some interest expressed from those in the world of politics. But interestingly enough, he says won't sell to just anyone…
,blockquote>"About a year and a half ago, we were approached by someone to buy the name. And they were really hot to buy the name. And they didn't want to use it for an adult site, they wanted to use it for a political site. And one of the problems I had with them was they wouldn't say what they were going to use it for, who they were. So in the end, the negotiations broke off."
The site, he says still brings in about a million dollars a year….and Parisi has other adult oriented sites he plans to sell as well. He says there isn't much growth there any more.. too much competition. Instead, he says he will focus on online real estate. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.