"AOL is really taking aim at instant messaging services for business people. And a lot of people are talking about how instant messaging is the new email. There'll be more instant messages sent by the end of this year than email. And what we've discovered is that tens of millions of people use AIM, AOL Instant Messaging, as a communications hub. They typically start an instant messaging session and follow that up with a phone call.
or a Web meeting. AOL isn't the only one who sees the business opportunity. Citrix Systems has launched a new service it calls GoToMeeting. Senior product marketing manager Matt Reid…
"We focused really on the ease of use aspect of online meeting. What we've also done with GoToMeeting is revolutionize the pricing models. So it's pay one flat rate and have as many meetings as you want for as long as you want."
Citrix is making the personal version of the product available for a free trial until the end of July. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.