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Digital Camera...With Lots of Zoom

Techstination feature for Tuesday, August 24, 2004

A digital camera…with lots of zoom. Bloomberg Boot Camp, a report on today's technology. When it comes to TVs, DVD players, camcorders and lots of other consumer electronics….Panasonic tends to go after the mainstream market. It has helped to make parent company Matsushita the number one consumer electronics company in the world. But when it comes to digital cameras….Panasonic has narrowed its focus. It has partnered with one of the best known names in photography, Leica, for its lens technology, and has added phenomenal optical zoom capability. Of four new models arriving, three have 12X optical zooom. VP Andrew Nelkin….

blockquote>"There's a real need to have a longer zoom product. If you go to a game and your child is playing and you can't get into the front row, you can fully frame your child playing shortstop. Now you start seeing what we call ZLRs or zoom lens cameras. In the ZLR market, we actually lead the industry with 12X."

The Panasonic models range from three to five megapixels. And while some rivals are selling six or even eight megapixel models, Nelkin points out…

"What you have to look at is the relationship between the zoom lens and how much resolution there is. If someone only has a 3X zoom lens and they're going to go to a 12X zoom lens, they're actually going four times further."

Prices for the new Lumix cameras range from four to six hundred dollars. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.