"This is, Fred, the first un-store of its kind. Ten thousand square feet, an emporium of the latest mobile, home and business technologies, converging together, interacting together, in a way that allows consumers to come in and command and control and understand technology like they've never done before. There is no other place like this in the world."
The influence of MIT's Media Lab, a Samsung partner, is very much in evidence. Visitors will be allowed to get some hands on experience with the equipment as well…
"Sometimes we would like consumers to come in and borrow a super fine digital camcorder. Go out and take some video of New York, come on back and then show them the art of the possible, how to manipulate that video."
Sending it over the Internet or burning DVDs. The company is planning to build more Samsung Experience centers….hoping to boost its image over rival brands such as Panasonic and Sony…which does use its Sony Style stores…to sell. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin