"What it is is that you'll find a variety of toys and also work items that you'll need during your day. One of the items that we have is a biometric security mouse. But then we also feature items like the James Bond lighter which is the tape recorder and digital camera packed into one. We have toys like Robo Sapien. He'll dance, he'll talk, he'll sleep, he'll throw things at you."
There are glowing USB Christmas Trees and Snowmen and a wristwatch TV for sale on the site. How does ThinkGeek.com pick the items it wants to sell?
"The team of people who founded ThinkGeek are still with the company…they're of the audience. They are their own buyers in many ways. So they go out and the things they say…oh my gosh, I've gotta have that… are the things they know are going to succeed with other people out there."
ThinkGeek.com has some competition…from stores like The Sharper Image or Brookstone… but it's hard to find things like a caffeine laced bar of soap anyhere else. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.