Starting with computers…Media Center PCs, combined with new Media Center extenders let you control, view and share TV, digital video, music and pictures as never before. With prices falling to below a thousand dollars, media centers are becoming more affordable. But Windows isn't the only game in town… Apple iMac G5 is the iPod of PCs. It is sleek, white and powerful with a small footprint. When it comes to gadgets you can hold in your hand… the list includes JVC's new Everio Camcorders. JVC delivers pocket sized camcorders that don't use tape…..they record on compact flash memory cards or microdrives. They ship with 4 gigabyte microdrives that can record an hour of DVD quality video. PalmOne ups the ante with the Treo650. A user replaceable battery, a higher resolution screen and camera along with Bluetooth connectivity made a good PDA cell phone even better. And… then, there's the Nintendo DS The latest in the Nintendo Gameboy line aims to attract players who grew up with the original handheld machines. The DS has dual screens and Bluetooth for head to head play and chat…and a handheld version of Madden Football. You can find more suggestions at Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.