"We weren't making a game for a market. We're making a game because of the experience and the Xbox, of all the console systems, was the only one that could support, from a technical standpoint and from a hardware standpoint, the visual fidelity that we achieved on the PC."
Hard core Doom fans won't be disappointed. And in some ways, the experience playing on a bigger screen in the family room, will enhance game play…
"It really does sort of bring the experience off the screen and fill up the room with it. And for Doom 3 it's really important because the way we sort of envision people playing it is sort of with the lights turned out. And we want people wondering what's hiding behind their sub-woofer and afraid to get up and move across the room."
There has been controversy that's followed id Software over the years…because of the graphic violence. The response from the CEO…
"We have always felt like we were making games for people like ourselves and everybody at the company is adult."
As with movies.. and a Doom movie is due out this summer…Hollenshead says it is up to parents to pay attention to ratings. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.