"We'll see media center operating system on Gateway and EMachine SKUs starting at around 599. And we'll see dual core and media center coming together for around 849 in the retail market place."
In a system that includes a 250 gigabyte hard drive, a gigabyte of memory and DVD burning capability. The media center edition makes the most sense if you add a TV tuner card, which is included in the next model up for about one thousand fifty dollars. Will lower priced, higher powered desktop PCs…put a dent in the migration of sales to notebook computers? …
" I think there's a compliment between a notebook in a home and a desktop in a home. And the desktop can be that multimedia powerhouse that allows you to record and watch."
Missing from the Gateway line-up, at least for now, are dual tuner media center PCs…that would allow you to watch one show while recording another….and high definition capability. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.