"It's PC based. You download the application from Gametap.com. You install it and as long as you have a broadband connection, you'll be given access to hundreds of games and original video programming all related to games."
Schwartz says the service will cost between 10 and 20 dollars a month. Up to two members of a family can be playing at the same time on different PCs. Video game makers can use the service to breathe new life into older games..
"Alex Kidd in Miracle World is the first one that was on the Sega master system, Burger Time, the arcades, Comic Zone was on Genesis, Elevator Action, an arcade game, Hydro Thunder was on the Dreamcast, so you can sort of see the breadth of what we're offering."
The original Splinter Cell and other titles of that genre will be resurrected for Gametap. Subscribers will get one master account and four sub-accounts…
"And you have parental controls. We will not offer mature rated games."
Whether consumers will be willing to sign up for yet another subscription remains to be seen….but Turner Broadcasting believes it's making a bet that will pay off. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.