"The Jumpstart Reading with Karaoke product came about after probably at least a year of research talking to parents and teachers and kids. And what we wanted to do was combine a play pattern that we know, without a doubt, that kids love. It's karaoke. If a child can get a microphone, hear their own voice, it's a great delight. We wanted to combine karaoke with early reading. Because we know that for kids to really be good readers, they're going to need to use their voice to activate that learning."
The songs are original…and a microphone is included…(sound) Parents get reports to track a child's progress. JumpStart Reading With Karaoke sells for under thirty dollars. You can find more information on the line of education titles at KnowledgeAdventure.com. You can find us with a full archive of reports at Bootcamp.com. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.