"What WeatherBug Plus is, we have the new version 6.1 out that we just launched. And it not only brings all the live, local neighborhood conditions that people come to expect from our live network of weather stations, but now we have included lightning maps for consumers that are interested in seeing where lightning is, it shows you where the strike is, how old the strikes are, if the strikes are headed in your direction. The product also has, for the first time actually, a neighborhood level forecast. In conjunction with NOAA, we are launching their, what they call the national digital forecast and we call it our WeatherBug Digital Forecast which provides live forecasts for local neighborhoods across the country. It's at a level which nobody has seen so far. So it's very accurate and very local."
The price…under twenty dollars a year. There's a free fourteen day trial at WeatherBug.com. You can find us at BootCamp.com. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.