"Most solutions to this ID theft problem are after the fact. They'll let you know, a credit bureau may let you know that a credit line has been opened in your name. And when in fact maybe it hasn't. And so, what we think is that changes in addresses and changes in social security associations and changes in phone numbers, etcetera, usually precede an ID theft. So we think we can provide not only the service of monitoring your credit, which is something we do with ID Watch, but Intelius also thinks that you can provide an early warning system to alert someone if ID theft may be something that they're at major risk of."
Pricing depends on the length of a subscription…varying between five and ten dollars per month. That includes 25 thousand dollars worth of ID theft insurance. You can find more information at Intelius.com. You can find us at BootCamp.com. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.