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Color a Low Price

Techstination feature for Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A low end Palm with color. Bloomberg Boot Camp, a report on today's technology. Palm is out with its first 99 dollar PDA…with a color screen. The Z22 is aimed at first time PDA owners…..and even after all these years….product manager Andrea Johnson says there are lots of folks in that category still out there….

"When we did the original Zire product at 99 dollars, we brought in a tremendous number of new users. We did our follow up research and 70 percent of them were new to the category. And we hope to do something really similar with this product. And what was nice about the original Zire, too, was that we brought in a lot of different kinds of customers who had been a little bit hesitant about technology. Like women, they hadn't been big users of handhelds. But we had almost 50 percent women with the original Zire."

While you can view photos on the Z22, it does not include an SD memory card slot to expand storage capacity. The built in 32 megabytes of memory, however, is non-volatile…which means that if you forget to charge it….you won't lose all of the pictures, phone numbers and appointments you have stored. Also new…on the higher end…is the Palm TX. It includes Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for wireless connections….along with an SD card slot and a large, high resolution screen….

Twelve and a half million people have installed home networks for WiFi. We think this is going to be that classic kind of PDA customer, probably is going to have WiFi installed at home and may very well have it at work on their work campus as well."

The Palm TX sells for about 300 dollars. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.