Holiday gifts for the geeks on your list. Bloomberg Boot Camp, a report on today's technology. Everybody's list includes at least one. That relative or friend who gets called upon to fix computers…and always is first in line to buy the latest gadget. If you're looking for attire, a company called Scottevest has made a business out of selling jackets, coats, vests, pants and hats….that come with added pockets and channels for headphone wires. There are even vests equipped with solar panels for recharging all of that equipment in the great outdoors. Then there is an outfit called….where you'll find such items as a wallet made from duct tape….to caffeinated soap. How big is the market for this stuff? Co-founder Scott Smith….
"I don't know exactly. I think it's a pretty big market. And geeks in the past seven or eight years have really kind of raised their profile. You take as an example, Bill Gates. He's the richest person in the world and he's a geek."
How about an LED binary watch…that only a geek could read or a T-shirt that reads…no, I will not fix your computer…
"Basically we just look for things that are fun….generally practical…although we do carry a lot of toys and fun stuff. A lot of things that would be great for the office. Stress reducers like marshmallow shooters and other fun things for the office."
Where a USB powered mini Lava Lamp…can serve as a beacon. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.