"It allows you to go remotely outside your home. You can pick up any phone, including your mobile phone, dial a number…that's your home number where the Call Center is connected to, it will pick up, ask you for a password, and then you're free to make Skype calls anywhere you are." So you're calling home and from there you can route the call over the Internet. "Exactly. You're just placing a local call which will cost you very little and then from there on the Call Center will take off and make the Skype call which will be either free or very cheap for you."
You can set the Call Center up to notify you when a previously unavailable Skype buddy signs on. The VoSKY Call Center sells for about 70 dollars. Actiontec also makes a 30 dollar speakerphone for Skype that plugs into a USB port. There are alternatives…including a Bluetooth headset designed for Skype from Motorola. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.