"Actually this is leading to robots that will help you around the house. Robots that will do chores for you. That's where WowWee's going. So what we're doing now is we're taking so called toys, but real robots, and marketing them, and marketing them to all age groups. But as we go along we're taking more and more higher tech robots around the house. Task driven robotics. So something that women, children, men, girls…everybody will use. And it will be sufficient to work off the Internet, help you around the house, easily maneuver, get things for you, read your emails, all of that's coming. And that's where we're taking…from a 99 dollar robot to somewhere in the few thousand dollar range coming up"
The invasion…Janis says…is a bit sneaky…but it's already under way. A new Robosapien that will include the ability to play music and videos on a color LCD screen, will arrive later this year. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.