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Lara Croft Back Again

Techstination feature for Monday, April 10, 2006

The leading lady of video games returns. Bloomberg Boot Camp, a report on today's technology. The Lara Croft series of video games is ten years old….and Eidos is celebrating with the release of Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend. Game producer Morgan Gray…

"This one's a bit unique in a couple of ways. One, the franchise has moved over to Crystal Dynamics known for the Legacy of Kain series, so it's our first stab on getting to work on Tomb Raider which is pretty exciting. What we wanted to do with this particular Tomb Raider was basically re-boot the franchise as it were. Take a look at what the core values were to start with, and the sort of magic moments in the first Tomb Raider and then bring that back. We sort of felt the franchise was starting to stray and get away from its foundation. So we wanted to get it back to a smart, athletic Lara Croft, get her back to tombs and exotic world locales… and bring back that sense of high adventure."

And while Angelina Jolie has played the Lara Croft character in a series of movies, Eidos has hired 20 year old British model Karima Adebibe to take on the role in a variety of personal appearances. It's a role that requires some training…

"I've had to do SAS training, combat training, personal training, elocution, deportment, etiquette, when I get back to London I'm going to be doing my motorcycle license and be off to Croatia to do a degree in firearms."

As for the game… Eidos is covering all the bases…with versions for just about every game platform you can imagine, including the new Xbox 360. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.