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Consumer Electronics Retailers...on the Same Team

Techstination feature for Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Consumer electronics retailers….on the same team. Bloomberg Boot Camp, a report on today's technology. It happened in the wake of the September 11th attacks. Peter Weedfald, senior vice president of sales and marketing at Samsung Electronics America, wanted to find some way to respond….

"I thought that, I'm never going to be president and many of us will never be governors or movie stars and we needed to find a way to reconstitute how we could give back. And I thought that the way to really look at the world and all the poor people who perished in that horrible tragedy was to rewind back to the children and find a way to make sure that all children have equality and opportunity, whether they were stricken by a disease, whether they were stricken by impoverishment. Just finding ways to give back to children. And so I lived here on the east coast, just moved back from the west coast and I thought four seasons, I'm very happy to have four seasons"

And with Samsung executives behind the idea…Weedfald brought together companies that compete against one another in business…Circuit City, Best Buy, CompUSA and Sears….to create the Four Seasons of Hope. In its first five years…it has raised more than seven million dollars for an ever growing list of charities…and foundations headed by some of the biggest names in sports and entertainment including Joe Torre, Magic Johnson and Jon Bon Jovi. . Samsung has paid for fund raising events from its own marketing budget so the money donated goes where it's intended. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin