"We have a client, a Java or Brew client on a handset that enables you to search through a large catalog of media types. We built this for music …and obviously the challenge of searching through a gazillion tracks of music for mobile phones is pretty daunting. So we have a way of doing that and presenting the metadata for that catalog on the phone in a very clever and I think user friendly way. So you can just select from a broad category, a broad catalog rather, of podcast content available on the Web from all the big media companies…all the slick stuff…now produced by the mainstream media companies and all the stuff at the bottom of the pyramid that's produced by a guy in a garage with a PC and a microphone. Stream it to the phone or download it to the phone."
Cingular is calling it Mobilcast…and it is available on about 75 handsets. The variety of content available as podcasts is incredible..everything from lessons in learning Chinese to commentaries from Andy Rooney. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.