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Will Windows Vista Drive PC Sales

Techstination feature for Thursday, February 8, 2007

Will Windows Vista drive sales of new computers? Bloomberg Boot Camp, a report on today's technology. The launch of Windows Vista….was hardly like the arrival of a new game console. There were no long lines of fanatic customers waiting outside electronics stores for days. But Microsoft estimates that by the end of the year….there will be 80 million PCs in use with Windows Vista. About computer sales, Advanced Micro Devices CEO Hector Ruiz says….

"We're optimistic. We think the launch of Vista will start creating the demand and I believe the second, third and fourth quarters will see an improvement over the second, third and fourth quarters of last year." And the race between you and Intel, how do you characterize it this year… "Continues. Continues. And I think the power of competition is showing how important it is now that we have two companies that are very aggressively delivering good products to the market.." Finally, looking at Windows Vista and what it means, overall, to sales of PCs and your chips…. "I think it's going to be very positive. I mentioned before the experience is going to drive demand because users are going to see something they've never seen before. The power of visualization is very stunning in Vista. And the AMD hardware is very powerful in delivering what we call the ultimate visual experience." Will people buy more expensive PCs? "Some drift upwards, but it remains to be seen how much."

AMD CEO Hector Ruiz. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.