"That 90 percent of them view the printer, or some printing device in their office as a key component of their daily activity. So understanding that, clearly the paperless society is a long way off because IT managers are still relying as heavily on this printing device as they ever have."
The survey found nearly 80 percent of the IT managers prefer to review documents in print…rather than just on a screen…
"They end up on a document because people have a desire to hold it, to carry it, to feel it, to study it. And there's probably a depth opportunity bringing it closer or further away with a piece of paper than you can certainly do with a monitor."
The survey results may not be seen as good news by everyone….but it is welcome news to Oki Data…and its competitors in the printing business. You can find us on the Web with an archive of reports at Bootcamp.com. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.