"The American people are really rising to the occasion. I think they realize the importance of what we're trying to do and have been very generous."
OLPC has been able to bring its cost per laptop down to about 188 dollars….so far. Pretty remarkable when you consider the features…it is ruggedized…with built in WiFi…and such low power consumption…it can be powered by the sun….
"And we've packed into the laptop lots of the tools that we think children need for learning. So we have tools like a Web browser for exploring the world. A multimedia player, an ebook reader. But we also have tools of expression, to allow the children to appropriate that knowledge and really put it to use. There's tools not just for watching videos but for making videos. There's a built in video camera. There are tools not just for listening to music but for creating music."
Again, you can find more information at laptop.org. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.