"We integrate seamlessly with sites like Flickr, with sites like Facebook, WebShots, Google's Picasa Web Albums. So the whole point is that when you're using Picnik, wherever your photos are, on Flickr for example, you just click over to the Flicker tab and boom, your photos are all there and you can just grab at any one of them and edit them and do all kinds of cool embellishments, make some enhancements to that photo. And then when you save it, it saves right back directly to Flickr. But you can also open up photos from your hard drive and save it back to your hard drive as well."
The basic free tools are all that many users will need. But the premium version of the program is reasonably priced at about 25 dollars a year. Because it's based on the Web….Picnik…works on Windows, Macs or Linux machines. There is competition, from Google's Picasa….and Adobe is moving onto the Web as well. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.