"It can be both. Personally I support advertising…free to everybody. I think that would be easiest to deploy, everybody will benefit." And you're envisioning a wide variety of devices that could use this? "Aboslutely. You bet. At the initial launch, cell phones will be very important because the quantity is huge. And the next interesting is the personal navigation devices that can provide navigation as well as TV service in your car. And then you can think about PMP devices, you can think about laptops with a USB dongle." How soon do you believe this will be available to U.S. consumers? "We hope this will be available next year."
It would give local TV stations new opportunities to reach viewers….who have increasingly been turning to mobile devices and computers for entertainment. The broadcasters would need to add a relatively inexpensive piece of equipment to add MPH capability to their existing digital signals. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.