A free photo service from Adobe. Bloomberg Boot Camp, a report on today's technology. Adobe makes the most popular image editing software …Photoshop. It is also very expensive. There are also the more consumer oriented and priced Photoshop Elements programs. And now the company is out with a Web based tool, Photoshop Express, that lets you edit and store photos….and it's all free. You don't get all of the features of Photoshop or Photoshop Elements….but what you get are some pretty sophisticated, yet simple to use image editing functions….without the need to download software at all. After you've signed up, you can upload pictures from your PC…or it can import from sites such as Photobucket, Facebook or Picasa. The editing is non-destructive…meaning that whatever changes you make to a photo…converting it to black and white, cropping…etc…..the original is always preserved. The site gives users two gigabytes of storage space for free… and gives you the option of sharing your albums with friends and family. For lots of families…Photoshop Express will provide all the editing and online storage they need….and it will give you access to your pictures from anywhere on any computer…Windows or Mac. A link to printing services would be useful. There is some competition…fromPicnik, Kodak's Gallery…and Google's Picasa….but the tools and interface of Photoshop Express….are hard to beat. You can find it at photoshop.com/express. Bloomberg Boot Camp, I'm Fred Fishkin.