A fast start for Need for Speed Shift. I'm Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. When it comes to racing video games, Need for Speed is one of the oldest franchises around, sixteen years. And the latest version, Need for Speed Shift proves it hasn't lost its edge. (sound) Electronic Arts VP Keith Munro says HD graphics...on the Playstation3, Xbox 360 and the PC....allow a whole new sense of cockpit realism....mimicking what real drivers see and feel...
"And so as you are rounding corners you feel the G forces. As you are accelerating, the camera's pushed back into the seat. As you have to stop abruptly or slowdown, then the camera moves forward. "
On the heels of Need for Speed Shift will be Need for Speed Nitro for the Wii and Nintendo DS...arriving in November...followed by Need for Speed World Online...early next year. You can find us with archives, interviews and more at BootCamp.com. I'm Fred Fishkin
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