When it comes to the Internet...will wireless replace wired? I'm Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. It's been happening with phone service....lots of folks dropping wired service for wireless. Does it make sense for Internet service as well? Sprint is just out with the first mobile 3G/4G hotspot...called Overdrive. Up to five WiFi devices can connect to it at a time. Sprint consumer marketing VP David Owens...
"We cover 36 million POPS or people today, we're moving to 120 million by the end of this year. So substantial coverage of 4G, we're really the first national carrier to bring 4G to market in a big way. If you think about 3G, this is ten times the speed of 3G."
The Overdrive has a sleek design and is priced at about a hundred dollars with a contract and a rebate. The service will be priced at about 60 dollars a month. You can find us with archives, interviews and more at BootCamp.com. I'm Fred Fishkin.
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