Recalls, repairs and more. An online resource. I'm Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. With all of the automobile recalls of late, vehicle owners have had plenty to worry about. The goal of a Web site called is to make life a little more simple. Founder Trevor Traina ...
"If you just go to and sign up with your email and the car you drive, it's free, and then anything that ever happens to your car that you should know about, we'll alert you. For instance, if there's a recall on your car, you'll be the first know. If you have a service coming due, if it's time to rotate your tires, it's as I say, set it and forget it. We'll tell you what's fair to pay for a repair on your car, in your town, so you don't get overcharged. We'll even tell you what to expect as far as problems with your car."
Mechanics on DriverSide will answer your questions for free. You can find us with archives, interviews and more at I'm Fred Fishkin.