A better browser for the iPhone. I'm Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. It came as surprise to some when Apple made the Opera Mini browser available through it's app store. And it didn't take long for the download rush to begin. If you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch....the Opera Mini browser gives you an alternative to Apple's own Safari browser. Why bother? Opera Chief Development Officer Christen Krogh....
"The first reason is that it's fast. It's lightning fast. The second reason is that it saves a lot of data. So if you're not on an eat as much as you can scheme with your operator or you are roaming or you are traveling abroad, you really, really want to save on the data traffic. So Opera Mini saves data."
The user interface with its Speed Dial icons is also a plus. Opera Mini is free and is also available for other smartphones...including BlackBerries, Windows Mobile and Androids. You can find us with archives, interviews and more at BootCamp.com. I'm Fred Fishkin.
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