An air multiplier instead of a fan. I'm Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. It sure doesn't look like a fan. And the price, starting at about 300 dollars, makes it more expensive than many air conditioners. But Dyson's Air Multiplier is more than a curiosity according to founder and inventor James Dyson. It uses aerodynamics combined with a small fan in the base, to generate airflow through a hoop....
"We're making the air do the work. And it gives us the advantage of having a very smooth air flow. And that sort of air flow is a much better way to cool you than air conditioning. It's much healthier. Much better environmentally. And it uses one fiftieth of the electricity of air conditioning. "
It works well and new models generate even more air flow. And while it may be green, the biggest draw back is the amount of green it takes to buy one. But the company's success with vacuum cleaners has proven many consumers are willing to pay more for better technology. You can find us with archives, interviews and more at I'm Fred Fishkin.
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