Need a little nudge to remember things? I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. Nudgemail is the name of a new service, available for free, that lets you use email to send yourself reminders. It works with any computer or mobile device as long as you have access to email… and there’s no software to download at all. And, says CEO and founder Jeremy Toeman…
“Our philosophy is everything should be all elegant and email without anything you have to use. But we also recognize that there are lots of people who would love to see their reminders in a calendar view. So we made a simple on click connect to Google calendar, and then any Nudgemail user can view all of their upcoming and past reminders, all in the easy to view Google calendar which can then be imported to any other service people want to use.”
You can try it simply by sending an email to a specific date at…and that email will be sent back to you on that date. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.