Group video chat goes mobile. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. If you’re a fan of video calls, chances are you already know about Fring. The company brought video calls to the iPhone well before Apple introduced Facetime and being cross platform, it’s more flexible. Not only that…but up to four friends at a time can participate. Also new, says Marketing VP Jake Levant is a feature called Playground…
“It’s an opportunity for people to come and discuss the subjects that are important to them. It’s really full engagement where you can talk with other people in a video chat forum based on your interests. So you meet people who are like-minded individuals, discussing with them, as if you were to meet in a bar or a coffee shop, talking about the things that are important to you.”
Video quality can be an issue, but then again, it’s designed for mobile. Fring is free. You can find more info at You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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