A companion app for watching TV. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. There are lots of people who keep a laptop computer or tablet open while sitting back in front of the TV. One of Yahoo!’s latest apps, IntoNow, for both Android and Apple iOS devices is designed to know what you are watching and make it more social. Yahoo! VP of mobile products Deb Weissman…
“It can detect what show is on television and it can bring in all sorts of different sources from the Web on who is talking about that television show and you’re able to participate in the conversation.” You don’t tell this app that I’m watching such and such a show. It knows. How? “It listens and it can tell exactly not only the specific show but what they are talking about on that show.”
Very cool. Another worthwhile app for iPad users from Yahoo! is Livestand. It’s billed as a personal, digital newsstand. You can find both in the app stores. You can find us with archives, interviews and more at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin.
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