Doing your taxes on your phone. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. I guess it makes sense, since consumers are spending more time these days with smartphones and tablets instead of computers. TurboTax, Intuit’s top selling tax preparation software, is improving and adding apps for mobile devices. SnapTax for the iPhone and Android…is designed for users with uncomplicated returns….and makes doing your taxes…believe it or not…almost fun. Product manager Jason Smerican…
“SnapTax allows simple filers, by using the camera on their iPhone or Android phone, to be able to actually bring in their W-2 information from their employer and finish their taxes within a few minutes. And then on the tablet side, we have a native TurboTax application that provides the same step by step guidance for simple and complex filers, right from your iPad.”
If you’d like a chance to win a copy of TurboTax Premier Online, pay us at visit at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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