More useful apps for the Kindle Fire. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. While the new iPad 3 is keeping Apple far ahead of the competition when it comes to tablets, owners of Amazon’s Kindle Fire are getting plenty of new apps to keep them happy. Intuit is out with a Kindle Fire edition of TurboTax that lets you eFile your taxes right from the tablet. And Citibank has a brand new banking app for the Fire. Citibank’s director of strategy for mobile and emerging technologies, Andres Wolberg-Stok…
“So it’s for Citi’s bank and credit card customers here in the U.S. And the level of insight that it brings to them is it doesn’t just use the traditional ledger format. What this app does is, it takes all that information and it crunches it into visual representations. ”
The app is free. Of course there are also versions for other Android and iOS devices. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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