Taking your smartphone into the great outdoors. Proporta offers protection. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. A U.K. based smartphone accessory company named Proporta has won many fans with its top notch designs and quality. It’s Aluminum Leather cases have been a favorite. Now Proporta has announced a new smartphone bicycle mount combined with a waterproof case. Proporta Product Head Lynette Prigmore says it is called Beach Buoy Bike Mount. ..
“Which if any of your listeners and readers are familiar with the Beach Buoy, is a waterproof case that can house a smartphone. And we also have a reader and a new iPad edition coming out as well. It’s waterproof up to five meters. And we’ve just brought out a bike mount attachment so you can attach your smartphone to the handlebars of your bike and go mountain biking and use the GPS function.”
Without having to worry about your phone getting wet or dirty. The price, under twenty five dollars. You can find us at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin
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