Technology in the bathroom. A shower system that remembers who you are. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. Moen calls it ioDIGITAL, a line of shower and tub fixtures that work with electronic controls. Moen’s Jamie Dalton…
“What’s unique about ioDIGIAL is that you’re able to set your own unique temperature and your own flow rate. And you set it exactly where you want it, and then you have four custom pre-sets. You press and hold your pre-set.” Almost like setting a radio station in a car. “Exactly like setting a radio station in a car. So we have up to four custom pre-sets so everyone in your family can have their own unique shower. We also offer a remote that goes with ioDIGITAL so you’re able to turn it on from thirty feet away. Maybe you’re in bed, you don’t feel like getting up yet.”
It’s very cool, or warm, depending on how you like it. Pricing starts at about 13 hundred dollars. Not exactly inexpensive. There’s more info at You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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