The latest in wireless charging from Duracell Powermat. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. With a new look and partnership…and cases for the iPhone 4 and 4S along with a portable battery pack…DuraCell Powermat has launched what it calls the 24 hour power system. President Daniel Schreiber…
“Well on the iPhone it really looks like a pretty elegant, slick, thin case. It’s available in stores in black and white and online in a plethora of other colors. The mat is incredibly thin, maybe about the thickness of an iPhone or maybe a bit thinner. A small surface that you plug in once and then leave on your desk or your kitchen table or wherever’s convenient. And you drop the battery next to it. Again, no messing with any cables, hassles, anything else.”
The design is a step up from previous Powermat products. And the company is working to bring Duracell Powermat charging surfaces to a variety of public places and even into cars. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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