Samsung’s Galaxy S3 brings fun new features to an Android phone. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. It’s the latest super Android phone from Samsung and it is arriving on all of the major U.S. wireless carriers. And there’s a lot that’s special about the Galaxy S3. A fast dual core processor, an 8 megapixel camera and a thin, stylish design are just the start. The GS3 uses near field communications technology for sharing. Samsung Mobile marketing director Ryan Bidan…
“In terms of sharing with friends, we’ve got lots of cool features like S Beam, which is an extension of Android Beam, allowing you to, with two Galaxy S3 devices, just tap them back to back, and you can easily share. So whereas before, you’d have to think about emailing or posting it somewhere, now if you shot like a 200 meg 1080p video, we can just tap our Galaxy S3s back to back and that’ll transfer to you automatically.”
A standard 21 hundred milliamp battery is a plus too. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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