What happens when musicians create a new brand of earphones? I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. Audiofly is a company formed in Australia by a group of musicians bent on bringing better sound to the earphone market at affordable prices. Those prices start at about thirty dollars. The top of the line, the AF 78, which sells for about 200 dollars, produces sound that is impressive. CEO Dave Thompson…
“And the unique thing about the AF78 is that it actually has two speaker drivers in it. We have a balanced armature driver and a dynamic driver. And the unique arrangement of these drivers gives you sort of the best of both worlds. From a sound perspective, you get the precise sound of a balanced armature and the nice, sort of relaxed sound that the dynamic driver gives you at the lower and mid-ranged frequencies .
For more info, check out Audiofly.com. You can find us with archives, interviews and more at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin.
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