An affordable game console backed by the crowd. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. It’s gotten the backing of tens of thousands of people on Kickstarter to the tune of more than five million dollars, and with that campaign ending for a couple of days, Ouya will be focusing on bringing its revolutionary game console to market. Founder and CEO Julie Uhrman…
“The console will be less than a hundred dollars, where all of the games will be free to play. And for developers, the console is open, which means it’s built on Android and we make it really easy for them to upload and post games to the system. Lastly, Ouya is powerful and beautifully designed and that we are partnering with Yves Behar of the Fuse Project, who built the Jam Box and the 99 dollar laptop.”
The plan is for the Ouya, spelled o-u-y-a, to go on sale in March of next year. If you want in on the KickStarter campaign, better hurry. It closes on Wednesday night. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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