Using a cordless phone with your mobile phones. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. Lots of people are using their mobile phone as their only phone, but that doesn’t mean a cordless phone system can’t come in handy. Models from a number of manufacturers, like Panasonic and V-Tech, allow you to connect your mobile phones to a cordless system via Bluetooth. You can leave your mobile in its charger and answer or place calls on the cordless handsets. Panasonic’s new KXTG-7745 has the added benefit of talking caller ID. Product Manager Desirae Dolphin…
“Most people love it. And if you don’t like it, because some people find it annoying, you can turn it off. You hear who is calling, especially if you program the person in. You hear mom’s calling, you can answer the phone. And also we have call block. So if you know who is calling and you don’t want that person to call anymore, you can block that number.”
The Panasonic system with two handsets, sells for under 80 dollars. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
Categories: | Consumer Electronics | Mobile Devices |