Keychain gadgets to keep you from losing your iPhone. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. A couple of new devices are on the market designed to prevent the loss your iPhone. Kensington is out with the BungeeAir Battery Case that gives you back up power along with a keychain fob that alerts you if get too far away from your phone. The list price is about a hundred dollars, but you can find it for less. If you like the case you already have for your phone, Cirago is out with the iAlertTag. Product manager Ben Tao says the key chain gadgets connects to your phone via Bluetooth…
“And so any time you leave your iPhone behind and you walk maybe 10, 15 feet away, the iAlertTag that’s hooked to your keychain will produce an alert. It will start beeping and vibrate to remind you that you’ve left your phone behind.”
The iAlertTag lists for about fifty dollars. Both devices will also let you use your phone to find you keys if they’re misplaced. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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