Fitness tech doesn’t have to be expensive. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. Fitness tech is a hot category with all kinds of gadgets on the market to help motivate and track fitness and weight loss progress. Omron Healthcare is proving that it doesn’t have to be expensive. You can get a connected pedometer for under forty dollars and says Marketing VP Ranndy Kellogg…
“You can get involved just like the people down the road who are spending a lot of money and still gather your data, collect it on a free application on the Web and show that information to your physician. You can look at it on a daily basis to see where you’re tracking against your goals. You can set goals, how many steps you want to walk, how many calories you want to burn. All those things that may have been outside of your purveyance right now, you can now do that on your own.”
There’s more coming too from Omron, including a heart rate monitor you wear on your wrist. You can find us with archives, giveaways and more at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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